Individual Service Funds: A Step-By-Step Process

Individual Service Funds (ISFs) empower people to take greater control over their care and support, offering a tailored approach that aligns with personal goals and needs. This step-by-step guide outlines the key stages of implementing an ISF, from assessing needs and allocating budgets to co-designing support plans and ensuring accountability. By following these processes, ISFs can provide flexibility, transparency, and empowerment, enabling individuals to lead fulfilling lives with the right support.

1. Conducting a Holistic Needs Assessment


To understand the individual’s unique needs, aspirations, and current challenges.

Key Actions

  • A social care assessor (e.g. social worker or social care practitioner) engages with the individual, their family, and advocates to identify what is important to the person and for the person.
  • The assessment explores physical, mental, and social care needs, as well as personal goals such as independence, employment, or community participation.
  • Collect feedback from professionals (healthcare providers, therapists) and community-based resources to ensure a well-rounded view.


Identification of the individual’s needs, goals, outcomes and areas where support is required under the Care Act.

2. Allocating a Personal Budget


To ensure funding reflects the individual’s assessed needs and outcomes.

Key Actions

  • Calculate the individual’s personal budget based on national or local funding frameworks and benchmarks, such as hourly care rates or specific service costs.
  • Ensure the budget is transparent, breaking down how much funding is allocated for various aspects of care and support.
  • Provide the individual or their representative with a clear explanation of how the budget was determined.
  • Offer flexibility, allowing for adjustments if needs change or errors are identified.


A clear and agreed-upon personal budget that empowers the individual to plan and manage their support.

3. Selecting an ISF Provider


To entrust the management of the individual’s fund to a provider who aligns with their needs and values.

Key Actions

  • Provide the individual with a list of approved ISF providers, ensuring they have the freedom to choose.
  • Facilitate discussions between the individual and potential providers to assess compatibility, values, and service offerings.
  • Define the provider’s responsibilities, including financial management, service coordination, and compliance with legal frameworks.
  • Establish a written agreement outlining how the provider will administer the ISF and support the individual in achieving their goals.


A trusted partnership with an ISF provider who ensures the individual’s funds are used effectively and transparently.

4. Co-Designing a Support Plan


To create a personalised and flexible plan that outlines how the budget will achieve the individual’s goals.

Key Actions

  • Collaborate with the individual, their family, and the ISF provider to develop a support plan centred on outcomes rather than hours or tasks.
  • Identify the types of support required, such as personal assistance, skill development, equipment, or community engagement.
  • Include provisions for flexibility, such as reallocating funds if the individual’s priorities or circumstances change.
  • Integrate monitoring and review mechanisms to track progress and ensure the plan remains relevant.


A detailed support plan that is person-centred, goal-oriented, and adaptable to changing needs.

5. Implementing and Managing the ISF


To deploy the budget effectively, ensuring services and resources align with the individual’s preferences and outcomes.

Key Actions

  • Use the ISF to purchase services, equipment, or activities as outlined in the support plan. Examples might include hiring a personal assistant, attending courses, or funding social activities.
  • Coordinate services to ensure seamless delivery, avoiding duplication or gaps in care.
  • Maintain transparent financial records, ensuring all spending aligns with the agreed-upon plan and legal requirements.
  • Enable the individual to provide feedback and make real-time adjustments to their services.


Support is delivered in a way that meets the individual’s goals while maximising the value of the allocated budget.

6. Monitoring and Reporting


To ensure the ISF is used appropriately and continues to deliver meaningful outcomes.

Key Actions

  • Regularly review financial reports to track spending and identify underspent or misallocated funds.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the support provided, measuring progress against the individual’s goals.
  • Use monitoring to identify any changes in the individual’s circumstances that require updates to the support plan.
  • Provide reports to the individual, their family, and the funding authority, fostering transparency and accountability.


Clear evidence of how the ISF is achieving its intended purpose, with adjustments made as necessary.

7. Reviewing and Adapting the Support Plan


To ensure the ISF remains relevant and responsive to the individual’s evolving needs and aspirations.

Key Actions

  • Schedule periodic reviews (e.g., every six months or annually) to revisit the support plan and budget allocation.
  • Engage the individual, their family, and other stakeholders to discuss progress, new goals, or emerging challenges.
  • Adjust services or funding allocations to better align with the individual’s current circumstances or future aspirations.
  • Use the review process to incorporate lessons learned and continuously improve the approach to support.


A dynamic and flexible system of support that evolves with the individual’s needs and preferences.

8. Ensuring Compliance and Accountability


To uphold standards and ensure funds are used ethically and legally.

Key Actions

  • Ensure ISF providers comply with statutory requirements, such as the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act, safeguarding principles, and financial management regulations.
  • Implement regular audits to confirm funds are being used as intended and deliver value for money.
  • Address any concerns or complaints swiftly, ensuring transparency and fairness in resolving disputes.
  • Provide the individual with the knowledge and tools to understand their rights and responsibilities within the ISF framework.


Trust and confidence in the ISF system, with robust safeguards to protect all stakeholders.

Key Benefits of This Process


Individuals can tailor their support to match personal goals and changing needs.


People have control over their care, choosing services that align with their values and priorities.


Clear processes and financial reporting build trust between individuals, families, and funding authorities.


Providers are held to high standards, ensuring funds are used responsibly and effectively.

Chris Watson
Chris Watson is the founder of Self Directed Futures and the Chair of SDS Network England. With extensive experience in strategic commissioning and change management, Chris advocates for innovative, community-led approaches to adult social care.

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